Native Youth Olympic Games Alaska has quite a bit of history, and the NYO Games brings Anchorage annual cultural fun! Starting in 1972, the NYO Games included various sporting events based on Alaskan Natives of past generations. It was a way to test survival skills, hunting skills, endurance and more. With loads of traditional Alaskan […]
High Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure is the Second Most Common Cause of Kidney Disease Your heart pumps your blood through tubes (blood vessels) called arteries and veins. When your blood moves through the blood vessels, it pushes against the inside of them and creates pressure. Blood pressure is the pressure created inside your arteries and veins when […]
Sneaky Sugar
Sneaky Sugar! Read the label: Small fruit drinks may be convenient for little kids, but they can hide a large amount of sugar Alaska parents say that one reason they serve their little kids sugary drinks is convenience. When a toddler says she’s thirsty, there’s a pack of drink pouches in the pantry. The toddler […]
Fur Rendezvous
Fur Rendezvous Join Anchorage’s historically known Fur Rendezvous! Simply put, Vern Johnson, the founder of Fur Rendezvous found it to be a great idea to create an event to bring the town together for an exciting time to eliminate those winter blues. Originally a sporting event much like the Olympics and bring the community spirit […]
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic Care Is Chiropractic Safe? YES. Its non-surgical, drug-free approach to health places chiropractic among the safest of all health care practices. Remember, chiropractic takes nothing out of the body and puts nothing in. As a result, chiropractors enjoy one of the lowest malpractice rates of all health care professionals. What is an […]